If you remember, we had tried something different wherein through the medium of social media we would showcase highlights of a destination known as 'Destination Display'. (Read about it here if you haven't)
The first one happened back in December and we realize it has been sometime since we put the next one out.
Hence we are planning to do another one, No! Actually another two! No! Actually another 3! Oh wait, surprise, we will be doing 4 of them back to back!
Here are the 4 popular destinations we are showcasing:
Madhya Pradesh
These parts of India are covered with natural beauty spots and heritage sites as old as 1000 years and even more. We are about to discover aplenty about ancient India.
Follow us on Instagram to be a part of this journey through Instagram stories.
In case you miss any action of the day, no worries, it will be there in our highlights.
Do check out our one on Rajasthan if you haven't yet.
Note: Destination Display would be available on our Facebook stories as well.